Rank 17 Again Dead by Daylight Reddit

Silver 9

Alot of ppl still dont know

r/deadbydaylight - Alot of ppl still dont know

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level 1

It still feels bad when your low mmr killer with 1 yellow perk gets matched with 4 guys running full builds.

level 2

· 6 mo. ago

Remembers when PH had the cake

Yeah, came back after a long break, first match was against all reds when I was running a dumb meme build with trapper (The iri stone and the brown addon that disarms your traps when you step in them, was going to just lock down a building and 'defend my property') got completely obliterated and bm'd... Still feels really shit seeing all that red compared to my grey

level 2

I mess around a lot, so I lose most game both survivor and killer, but I get paired with ash four one perk players a lot and I feel bad about it. On the other hand, I learned a lot from going against the best players when I was learning. Still shit matchmaking but I try to make the best of it.

level 2

That's the flaw in the system, it does not take perks into consideration. So if you are high skilled killer running 1 perk, you'll still get matched with survivors running 4 purples.

I think perks and offerings shouldn't be adjustable once you're in a game lobby. That way matchmaking could take perks into consideration.

level 2

Yeah, as someone who's been playing for only like, 2 weeks I literally can't help but groan when I'm just trying out a killer with one yellow perk and get matched with a full team of dead hard, borrowed time, decisive strike users with expensive ass skins

level 2

Each killer should get it's own "side" rank imo. Just because you're great with Bubba doesn't mean you're good with Wraith. Especially when you're just trying to do your daily on the random killer you never play. This is why half the killers just wind up "farming."

level 2

It makes trying to pick up a new killer and do any viable practice a pain in the ass. That's for sure.

level 2

Or the opposite. Had a couple really good killer matches lately and felt really good about myself only to find a lobby with three triple yellow perk marties. Just feels bad man.

level 2

Pretty much me last night with Myers. . . Only got one "good" game w/ 4k. It went down hill from there. (only got 2 hooks off after that match)

level 2

Try swf with the killer. MMR and grade are a joke in this game.

level 1

If someone is back to red ranks within like a week of rank reset. Especially if they got to rank 1. Chances are they're not on the same skill level as some dude at ash 2 who plays like 2-3 games a day at most.

level 2

Seriously. There's no way I should match with red ranks when I play 5 matches a week

level 2

I play maybe a couple matches a day and have trouble entering gold grade, but some buddies I play with are pretty much maxed Irry 1 but they play hours every day.

Some people may not like it, but it IS a representation to some extent of skill. Or mainly just time played, which can pretty much be the same in most cases.

level 2

· 6 mo. ago

Trapper / Pyramid Head Main

Is 2-3 games a day being used as an example of a high amount of games or a low amount of games here?

level 2

This. I understand ranks/grade aren't how matches are made anymore but they're still a good indication of how much time a player is putting into the game which, in turn, is a reliable indicator of skill. If I've never reached iridescent and the first games I play on the 13th is against a bunch of red ranks then I'm going to have valid criticisms about matchmaking.

level 2

They can be, just because they play a lot doesn't mean they're good at the game. And people who only play a couple games can also be decent/good.

level 2

Yes, but if its about a week after reset it doesn't take much to get to red grades and everyone is kinda in that pool.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/r8x910/alot_of_ppl_still_dont_know/

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