Itunes Cant Download Episodes From Your Feed

  • error iTunes cannot download episodes of your workflow.

    iTunes gives forllowing error when I try to add.

    Cannot download episodes of your workflow.

    The feed url is

    Not sure why it can not download feeds. Can someone help me to solve it.

    Thank you.

    You have introduced a fatal error in your workflow that makes it unreadable. The first tag "description" in line 13 reads:

    < description > The Hub for Midsize Companies, sellers and Capital providers and influencers worldwide < / description >

    You can not have an ampersand ('& ') by itself in food as in XML, it means the beginning of a sequence of code. Since this is never done, it looks like RSS readers as if the rest of the food is the code. You need to replace it with either the word "and" or the code

    & amp;

    like you did in a number of other instances. I have not checked to see if there are any other loose ampersands in animal feed.

    There is another point that may well cause problems. Your enclosure tags only contain the URL of the media file. The need also to contain the 'length' and 'type' attribute, like this:

    < pregnant url = length of 'THE URL OF THE MEDIA FILE for the FULL EPISODE' = 'FILE SIZE in BYTES' type = 'for AN MP3 - audio/mpeg"/ >

    The attribute 'length' can not so important with the store, but the 'type' to recognize the file.

    In addition, your media files are hosted on Amazon and use the protocol https (secure connection). This is not recommended; If in each case, you change the https protocol to http, it should still work. There has been problems with the use of Amazon, so if you still have problems after you correct the two points above which would be the next place to look.

  • Cannot download episodes of your workflow


    I am now looking for a day in it. So I agreed I need help to establish it.

    I though I had all ready to download my podcast on iTunes. However, I get the following messages.

    -Cannot download episodes of your workflow.

    -Podcast work must be understood from 1400 x 1400 to 3000 x 3000 pixels, JPG or PNG, in the RGB color space and hosted on a server that allows HTTP HEAD requests.

    It's I checked out the site with two validation podcasting sites and they say its all is ok...

    My power supply is -

    I use blogger and feed burner -

    Any help would be thank you very much


    This isn't a stream, I'm afraid of podcast. You have no tag "enclosure" containing the URLS of your multimedia files, as required by iTunes. You have a reference in the 'Description' tag (which itunes does not read) to a URL of Google Drive which is a web page with an embedded player - it won't work. You must provide a direct link to the media file, and if you enter the URL in a browser it should play directly in a browser and no download or appear in an embedded player. And you will need to find another server to host your multimedia files - Google Drive caused nothing but bad and I'm not sure that someone has managed to do work for podcasting.

    As for the image, the URL in your "tag" leads to an image that is 320 x 320 px so as you can see he doesn't qualify.

    It may be useful to read my page 'help you get started' on podcasting: - I'm afraid at the moment you have is completely unsustainable.

  • Failed to add the podcast on itunes "cannot download" question


    I am trying to add my podcast on itunes, but I get an error saying "cannot download a food podcasts". I'm adding the page '' using ''.

    Any help that can be provided would be great.

    See you soon.

    When you submit a stream, the Bank verifies that the high episode, i.e. the content of the first tag ... . You have only one episode, but that above is a "item" tag that contains no title and the description of «RSS Feed RSS» Therefore the Bank verifies an empty episode. You must remove this fake episode, then you can be OK. This image shows the section that you lose:

    I checked the real episode, and the media of the time file when you subscribe to iTunes; However check to the "requests for byte range (the method used by the iPhone, which is mandatory) your server does not handle this. If that's the case then when you send one more time, you will get a message saying - the single round is to find another server. You need only be aware of this possibility, no need to do anything, unless you see the actual message.

  • iTunes says that it cannot download episodes of my RSS

    I get the error message "Unable to download episodes of your flow" when I try to submit my new podcast in iTunes. Food is created via Libsyn and FeedValidator says that it is valid. Work doesn't seem to be the problem.

    Your last episode is not valid.

    Take a peek in your account.

    Make sure that your last episode is a valid text file.

    If you check your feed here - you will see that it is not valid for the last episode.

    Rob W

  • Cannot download episodes from your stream

    Hello, I'm fighting this for many, many hours now.   I can't download my iTunes podcast because when I validate my RSS feeds, I get the error: "unable to download episodes of your workflow.

    I created 2 FLOW RSS, in two different places, and when I use power validators, they return without problems.   I don't know why iTunes won't accept it!

    The original: / sounds.rss


    I don't know what else to do here, I am a novice to the news FEED.

    There is a constant problem in Soundcloud and you have fallen on it, in common with a number of other posters. The URL of the media file from your top of the page of the episode is

    This redirects to

    When you enter the URL in a browser, others have seen an error message saying 403 Forbidden: request prohibited by administrative rules but you get nothing at all - maybe a change since yesterday. It's something that only Soundcloud can fix. Their status blog says there is a problem with the RSS, although with the audio file rather than the power supply is probably all part of the same problem.

  • Continue to receive the error - cannot download episodes of your workflow


    I'm using feed burner to add to create RSS feeds to add my

    ITunes podcast.

    But, when I add this feed -

    I get the error message - unable to download episodes of your workflow.

    I want to connect Itunes to thisblog - where I'll post my future podcasts. At the moment I have a test post with a link to the

    file (which is hosted on an account of google reader with permissions to be available for anyone who wishes to

    Download or listen.

    I'm new pod casting and not really sure that I can do to solve this problem.

    Will be grateful for any assistance.

    Thanks in advance.

    There is no file at the URL you give to your Feedburner feed.

    The blog that link you has a link of RSS, but there is no media files. The episode on the blog page has a link to a media file to Google Reader, but it does not play and also the URL has no extension (for example, .mp3) so he won't have a podcast.

    Google Drive caused a lot of problems, and the indications are that he is not a suitable place to host a podcast.

    WordPress will build a podcast for you, but you must provide the URL of file media that are a direct link to the file, the extension and play in a browser, rather than forcing a download. I can't advise on the specific features of Wordpress, but they have a help page at

    You can also find it useful to consult my page 'help you get started' on podcasting at

  • Cannot download episodes of season bought

    I bought the subscription of season for Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, but after downloading the first episodes, I am unable to download more episodes.  When I click it the window opens asking me to pay.

    Any suggestion is appreciated.

    Resolved, never mind.  It is a separate issue.

  • Cannot connect upload soundcloud flow Podcast


    I started a podcast and would like if possible to upload it to iTunes. When I try to download my stream - / sounds.rss -I get the following two notifications:

    Cannot download episodes of your workflow.

    Podcast work must be understood from 1400 x 1400 to 3000 x 3000 pixels, JPG or PNG, in the RGB color space and hosted on a server that allows HTTP HEAD requests.

    Is it possible someone could give me advice on this?

    Thanks in advance,


    PS - I have finally managed to get my work to the correct size in pixels, but still get the message of not being able to download the episodes.

  • "Unable to download episodes of your workflow.

    I was handed a food that was installed by someone else in the past. I have most of the errors fixed (work fixed, fixed illegal characters in titles, etc.). But when I go to add the feed to the apple store in podcast, I get the error "unable to download episodes of your workflow. I searched through discussions and seemed most of the time, it was because of the invalid enclosure, but I checked and they seem fine download. Could someone take a look and provide feedback?

    The problem is that you have a mixture of episodes with boxes and episodes without. Your episode at the top of the page is not a forum, and it's the only one that is checked when you submit a stream. Because it is not a stream is rejected.

    It is not a good idea to mix the types of the episode in this way. The episodes that do not have fences do not appear in the store or a subscription. For now you seem to have Wordpress showing only 10 episodes in food, after which older, those are deleted (of course you can have only 10 so far). If you mix episodes and the number is limited, then very few episodes will appear in the store. You should be able to increase the number in the Wordpress settings that would work around this problem, but it is really better to have only playable episodes in a podcast feed. You can find that Wordpress has also produced a stream with only these podcast episodes, and if so you could argue that to Feedburner. Otherwise, you must remove the episode at the top of the page or your diet will not be accepted.

  • The podcast is not included in the iTunes Store podcast directory. An error occurred while trying to play an episode of the podcast

    I submitted my podcast feed to iTunes Connect three times. It shows the same error: the podcast is not included in the iTunes Store podcast directory. An error occurred trying to play an episode of the podcast.

    I can't find anything wrong with my workflow. It is validated. I subscribed it to iTunes as Apple suggested in the email. It works as well in iTunes.

    Some argue, there should be at least three ready episode in animal feed. I only have three. What is the problem? Can someone help me? Thank you!

    It comes to my diet:


    I checked the power supply in Podcasts connect and validated it and says "ready for submission. It validates in CastFeedValidator;

    However when you subscribe to iTunes the main episodes in animal feed, E000 (i.e. only Apple controls) downloaded only to half way and then stopped - although on the subscription again, it worked OK. These strange kinds of glitches happen sometimes, and maybe that's what caused the problem. I should try to submit it again and see what happens. (You do not have to have three episodes in the power - one is enough).

  • Cannot download the updates in the App store. The update including minor iTunes and El Capitan.

    Cannot download the updates in the App store. The update including minor iTunes and El Capitan.

    It's a shame, but without more information, we cannot be of any help.

  • Cannot download itunes 10.6 - need administrator rights

    Original title: cannot download itunes 10.6 -.

    I am the administrator of the computer, but when I try to download latest iTunes it try to install, but then at the end comes need for administrator rights.  We downloaded (saved on the C drive) and then right click and run as administrator but still come with the message. ??? What to do next.  I have associated work - remote access sites on the computer.


    1. What is the full and exact error message?

    2. what operating system is installed on the computer?

    I suggest you to return the item and check if it helps:

    Problem installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows

    In addition, check the link for iTunes technical support:

    Welcome to iTunes Support

  • MSVCR80.dll is missing from my computer - cannot sync itunes iphone to desktop or make updates to itunes and downloads

    Now, I get a message feared after starting a computer running Windows 7:

    System error APS Daemon.exe program cannot start because MSVCR80.dll is missing on my computer.

    Can someone direct me to an official download from Microsoft to fix this problem?

    No longer can I sync my iphone with my desktop itunes itunes nor do itunes & updates downloads.

    Pete Davis 58

  • Cannot submit my podcast feed


    Im trying to submit my podcast feed and receive this massage (see the screenshot below)

    What can I do?

    Thank you!

    The message "We live at present difficulties" means generally that there is a problem at the server end. I should leave and try again after the weekend.

    In the meantime, you should probably have a look at the image in your "tag". It has the right size to 1400 x 1400 px but the file size is 1.9 MB. It has been the case in the past that the size of the file must be less than 500 KB and although I don't know if it is still running you would do well to remake the image of the size down - you could make a JPG file, there is no particular advantage in its status of PNG.

    The URL also contains Hebrew characters, and while it works well in a browser I don't know if or not the store will handle them. I suggest renaming the file image in Roman letters to be on the safe side.



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