I Have a Funny Nose in a Beanie

I wouldn't say I'm ugly, but I'm not very attractive and I think a lot of this is due to my nose. It's quite big and a bit wonky and generally not very nice. It does get me down a little, so I was wondering what I could do to take attention away from it, or even make it seem more proportional and 'suited' to everything else? e.g. things I could wear and what I could do with my hair, etc.

Assuming you're a girl...I would say use some eye make up to make your eyes stand out more and take attention away from other features you may not be so keen on yourself

(Original post by Skyelight)
Assuming you're a girl...I would say use some eye make up to make your eyes stand out more and take attention away from other features you may not be so keen on yourself

I'm a guy XD

If you're a guy, be proud of your manly, roman nose!

Posted from TSR Mobile

Stay indoors on red nose day.

Lol just kidding! Don't worry about it mate. Just make sure you have a friendly appearance and a nice smile. This way you won't look mean or angry. Hair wise, I'd say don't go for anything pushed up that gives your hair height as your face would look elongated (if you get what I mean). Instead, I'd go for a something medium/fairly long length with a fringe pushed to one side, so that your hair frames the face rather than the nose.

facial hair normally hides it

Just remind everyone, big nose...big hose.

Facial hair and wear glasses?

I have glasses and that seems to highlight it more I think.

(Original post by Anonymous)
I have glasses and that seems to highlight it more I think.

Seriously don't worry about it mate...Just accept it and be happy. It could be worse, you could be really sick or something. If a big nose is the worst thing in your life then you're doing ok. Really you are.

(Original post by superduper9)
Don't worry about it mate. Just make sure you have a friendly appearance and a nice smile. This way you won't look mean or angry. Hair wise, I'd say don't go for anything pushed up that gives your hair height as your face would look elongated (if you get what I mean). Instead, I'd go for a something medium/fairly long length with a fringe pushed to one side, so that your hair frames the face rather than the nose.

Agree with this 100%. I have a large roman nose as well, and I find longer hair with a fringe tends to look much better than anything pushed up (which I find makes me look weird).

Other than that try and just accept it. I used to think mine was massive, but now I've just got to grips with that it's fairly large compared to some people's but it's nothing ridiculous like I thought. Try and not be sensitive about it if anyone points it out or makes a joke (like I used to be) - now I'll laugh along, poke a joke at myself or just agree that I have got a big nose.

And to be honest if you actually take a second to look at people you know, you'll notice they have imperfections too - either physically or personality wise.

I have sort of accepted it but if there was just anything small I could do to make it a bit better, then I'd do it

I have quite a big nose and I used to get pretty down about it. Now it doesn't really bother me so much and it doesn't bother anyone else either. Just accept that its part of who you are. That aside, wearing a flatpeak hat or baseball cap type deal can really help balance it out

Not really a relationship issue...

Contouring is the key, mate.

My partners nose is fairly big and I don't notice at all, it's only cause he goes on about it I see it!

I don't hate him for his nose, I love him for his eyes smile and and personality... Just make sure you've got one of these going for you!

Posted from TSR Mobile

A beard fixes everything in men. I don't understand why men are so against it.

Get large implants in your cheeks and chin, and grow your hair so you can massively back-comb it. Then instead of looking like you have a big nose, you'll look like your whole head is massive.


Source: https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2385658

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